Cellular Network Not Available For Voice Calls: Fix

Cellular Network Not Available For Voice Calls: In the ever-evolving world of smartphones, these pocket-sized devices have transformed into multifaceted tools, offering an array of functionalities beyond mere calls and text messages. From streaming movies and playing video games to conducting video calls and managing smart home appliances, the capabilities of modern smartphones are boundless. Nevertheless, despite the prominence of internet-based calling services, many smartphone users still rely on cellular networks for voice calls.

However, a perplexing issue has recently arisen, plaguing both Android and iOS users alike—the ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Call’ error. This enigmatic error message disrupts the seamless flow of communication and leaves users baffled. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of this issue, unravel its mysteries, and provide you with effective solutions to ensure that your voice calls are as reliable as ever.

Understanding the ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Call’ Error

The ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Call’ error is a rare occurrence that has been causing distress to smartphone users. To tackle this issue effectively, it’s crucial to grasp the underlying causes of this perplexing error message. Typically, this error message surfaces when your phone fails to detect an available cellular network. Paradoxically, it may manifest even when cellular networks are indeed accessible. This enigma can be attributed to various factors, including:

  • Connectivity Issues: Sometimes, your phone may struggle to establish a connection with the cellular network, resulting in this error.
  • SIM Card Troubles: A malfunctioning or blocked SIM card can also be a contributing factor to this error.

Now that we have unveiled the mysteries behind the ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Call’ error, let’s dive into the solutions to resolve it.

Methods to Resolve the Error

1) Check for Cellular Network Availability

The first step in troubleshooting this error is to verify the availability and stability of cellular networks. Check the cellular network icon on your device’s status bar. If cellular networks are accessible and stable, proceed to the next steps. If not, patiently wait until the network is restored.

2) Disable Airplane Mode

Ensure that your device’s Airplane mode is disabled. Airplane mode disables all network connectivity, including Wi-Fi and cellular networks. If this mode is enabled and there is no network, deactivate it from the Notification panel.

3) Restart Your Device

A simple yet effective solution is to restart your device. This action prompts your phone to initiate a fresh network connection, often resolving the ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Call’ error. Additionally, it can address issues stemming from incorrect APN settings or random SIM card errors.

4) Enable Data Roaming

Data Roaming is a vital feature that allows you to maintain connectivity when traveling to different locations. If this feature is disabled while on a trip, your phone may disconnect from your carrier’s network and disable cellular services. To enable Data Roaming:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on Mobile Network and select your phone number.
  3. In SIM Info & Settings, toggle on ‘Data Roaming.’

After making these changes, restart your smartphone, and the error should be resolved.

5) Auto-Select the Network Operator

To ensure your phone connects to the correct network provider, enable Auto-Select for your network operator:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on Mobile Network and select your phone number.
  3. On the Operator screen, turn on ‘Auto-Select.’

With this setting enabled, your SIM card will automatically connect to the most suitable and nearest network.

6) Install Software Updates

Sometimes, operating system bugs can cause connectivity issues. If the error persists, installing pending software updates may be the solution. On iPhone, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update to check for and install updates. For Android, go to Settings > About Phone > Software Update.

7) Reinsert the SIM Card

If none of the previous steps resolve the issue, try reinserting the SIM card. Remove the SIM card from your phone, clean it with a soft fabric, and then reinsert it. This simple action may restore your ability to make calls.

8) Contact Your Network Provider

If all else fails, and the ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls’ error still persists, it’s time to get in touch with your network provider. Explain the issue to them, providing details about when the error occurs and its exact nature. Your network provider will work to resolve the problem on their end, ensuring a swift resolution.

In conclusion, the ‘Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls’ error may be perplexing, but with the right knowledge and solutions, you can restore the functionality of your smartphone’s voice calls. Follow these steps diligently, and you’ll be back to making crystal-clear calls in no time. If you encounter any other network-related problems on your phone, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Your uninterrupted communication experience is our priority.

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